Capacity Building of First Time MSE Exporters (CBFTE) Scheme: INDIA
Chamber for Advancement of Small & Medium Businesses (CASMB) is working closely with NSIC (National Small Industries Corporation) & MSME (Centrally & within State).
NSIC & MSME has hold the meeting on 15.02.23 to present a brief on various activities of the organization for the benefits of organizations working in the MSME sector of India. CASMB was one of the organizations invited to attend the said meeting and President Mr Nilesh Lele along with Director Mr Amod Ashok Salgaonkar attended the same.
The meeting has covered below objectives:
NSIC Schemes & Programs (Integrated Support to MSME)
Activities under International Cooperation
CBFTE Scheme
1. Key interventions under the CBFTE Scheme
2. Eligibility conditions to avail the scheme benefits
3. Scale of Assistance & Eligible Items of Expenditure
4. Procedure for Application
5. Cooperation sought

As a next steps, CASMB is extending the support in disseminating the information to reach to wide network of small, micro & medium enterprises. You can find the details of the scheme here Capacity Building of First Time MSE Exporters (CBFTE) Scheme